Criminal Impersonation Attorney in Douglas County

Criminal Impersonation Attorney

Criminal impersonation in Douglas County, Colorado is a crime that involves pretending to be someone else to gain some type of benefit. Also known as false impersonation, criminal impersonation carries some strict penalties for defrauding someone or unlawfully signing legal documents. Allegations of impersonating someone for benefit should be handled by a particularly skilled criminal […]

Third-Degree Assault Lawyer | School Bus Driver Injured

Third-Degree Assault Lawyer

Assault charges in Douglas County can result from situations where someone wrongfully injures another person. While these are non-serious injuries, ramifications for the accused can still be quite impactful. Additionally, if the victim is an at-risk adult, consequences escalate. Earlier this month, a Colorado woman was arrested on suspicion of third-degree assault of an at-risk […]

Indecent Exposure Attorney in Douglas County

Indecent Exposure Attorney

This past September a United Airlines pilot was charged with Indecent Exposure when he opened the curtains of his 10th floor hotel room at Denver International Airport. A police probable cause statement reports that he “knowing and willfully” exposed his genitals to the public. The man pleaded not guilty stating that he didn’t know people […]

Internet Luring of a Child Attorney in Colorado

Internet Luring of a Child Attorney in Colorado

As we become more and more reliant on our pocket-sized technology, the chance for missteps with grave consequences skyrockets. Younger generations are not immune to this either. A sex crimes investigator was recently interviewed stating that victims of internet luring are getting younger. Consequently, as more children get smartphones, the age of victims gets younger […]

Prohibited Use of Weapons Lawyer in Douglas County

Prohibited Use of Weapons Lawyer in Douglas County

Accidents involving a gun within neighborhoods and homes typically results in a call of some sort to law enforcement. Often this call sets off an investigation even if no one was threatened or injured. Discharging a handgun in a residence is a high-risk of injury. A misdemeanor Prohibited Use of Weapons charge can result from […]