Reckless Driving Attorney in Colorado Springs

Reckless Driving Attorney

Reckless Driving in Colorado Springs is an offense that involves someone operating a motor vehicle in a way that demonstrates disregard for the safety of others. Additionally, driving recklessly also includes disregard for someone else’s property in El Paso County. Cars are not the only mode of transportation susceptible to a reckless driving charge. Operating […]

Burglary Attorney in Douglas County, Colorado

Burglary Attorney

In Douglas County, and throughout Colorado, it is illegal to knowingly enter or unlawfully remain on another person’s property and intend to commit a crime. 1st Degree Burglary is the most serious and often involves someone armed breaking into a home or apartment to steal valuable property. Less severe burglary charges sometimes include behaviors such […]

Enticement of a Child in Douglas County | CRS 18-3-305

Enticement of a Child

Enticement of a child is a serious crime in Douglas County, Colorado that involves inviting youth under 15 somewhere with sexual intentions. Sometimes committed electronically, conversations by phone, text, email, or chat that suggest a young teenager enter a location can lead to devastating criminal charges. Whether caught in a sting operation or facing an […]

DWAI Attorney in Colorado Springs

DWAI Attorney

It is unlawful in Colorado to drive if you are even slightly impaired by alcohol or drugs. Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) is most often a misdemeanor in Colorado Springs. In most cases, a driver’s license won’t be revoked as a result of this charge. However, if you’ve had prior violations against your driving record, […]

Sentencing in Douglas County, Colorado

Sentencing in Douglas County, Colorado

Sentencing in cases in Douglas County, and throughout Colorado, can be tricky to predict. It is also difficult to anticipate what a judge might do at a sentencing hearing. Opposite ends of the spectrum frequently exist. A judge might try to make an example and give an extraordinarily long sentence. In contrast, he or she […]

Resisting Arrest Attorney in Colorado Springs

Resisting Arrest Attorney

Resisting Arrest is a charge that often stems from frustrated individuals not understanding why police are questioning them or attempting to make an arrest. Preventing or attempting to prevent law enforcement from arresting you can lead to further difficulty. Law enforcement is quick to anger when citizens don’t follow their requests or become confrontational. It […]

Menacing in Douglas County Attorney | Road Rage Crimes

I need a Menacing attorney near me in Douglas County

Menacing in Douglas County and Reckless Endangerment are crimes often linked to road range occurrences. While these are lower end of the spectrum in reference to road rage related crimes, assault charges can also result. Drivers on major roadways, including I-25 and I-70, constantly face traffic and construction that leads to aggravation. Honking and a […]