Misdemeanor Theft Charges in Castle Rock

Misdemeanor Theft Charges

Knowingly stealing another person’s property in Douglas County, Colorado can result in misdemeanor theft charges. Even taking co-owned property without permission is unlawful throughout Colorado. When the total value of the item(s) stolen is less than $2,000, fines and jail time can apply. Sometimes, plea deals can be reached that include probation instead of jail […]

Theft Lawyer in Colorado Springs

theft lawyer

Theft is a crime in Colorado Springs that involves obtaining, keeping, or taking control of an item that isn’t yours. It is either charged as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the total value of the items. Theft charges can result from a variety of different situations. Taking a loan against something of value that […]

When is Theft a Misdemeanor in Colorado?

When is Theft a Misdemeanor in Colorado?

Theft crimes in Douglas County and throughout Colorado range from a petty offense to a felony. Misdemeanor theft is charged when the value of the item(s) stolen falls within a specific range. Stealing another’s smartphone, wireless headphones, wallet, or even cash often leads to misdemeanor theft charges. Taking a jointly owned item without permission can […]

Unemployment Fraud Charges in Douglas County

Unemployment Fraud Charges

Unemployment fraud charges in Douglas County, Colorado stem from making false statements to obtain unemployment benefits. This theft offense also often involves individuals withholding information that pertains to their financial situation or job search. Penalties for conviction can include jail time, fines, and penalty payments based on the value of the fraud. Any accusations or […]

Douglas County Theft Attorney | Alleged Wheelchair Thief

Douglas County Theft Attorney

Theft in Douglas County, Colorado is a criminal charge that can result from intentionally stealing someone else’s property. Anytime the value of the items stolen reaches or exceeds $2,000, felony theft applies. As prices of things we use every day continues to rise, felony theft charges are closer than one might think. Local police are […]