Impersonating a Peace Officer Charges in Douglas County | Man Enters Woman’s Home

Impersonating a Peace Officer Charges
Impersonating a Peace Officer Charges

Impersonating a peace officer charges in Douglas County, Colorado typically involve someone pretending to be police and taking some sort of action in that role. Whether dressing like a policeman or showing a fake badge, criminal charges can result from acting as a cop. Earlier this month, a man gained entry to a woman’s home using a false name claiming he was investigating strange noises. A charge of impersonating a peace officer is serious, amplifying the need for representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Things to Know About Impersonating Police in Colorado

Impersonating a Peace Officer C.R.S. 18-8-112 defines the details of pretending to be police in Colorado. Someone commits this crime in Castle Rock, Parker, or Highlands Ranch if they:

  • falsely pretend to be a police officer,
  • AND take action in that role

While there are many different acts that could be considered unlawful while pretending to be police, showing fake credentials, trying to arrest someone, directing traffic, or pulling someone over with flashing lights all fit the criteria. Law enforcement takes impersonation crimes seriously and will not hesitate in overcharging those who pretend to act in their role.

Will I Go to Jail for Impersonating a Peace Officer in Douglas County?

Impersonating police is a class 6 felony in Parker, Lone Tree, and Castle Rock. Conviction can result in:

  • up to 18 months of incarceration,
  • fines of $1,000 – $100,000
  • 1 year of parole

Because impersonating law enforcement includes acts in that false role, other crimes often accompany the charge. Theft, assault, and fraud can apply, as well as trespassing in a situation like the story above.

Colorado Defense Attorney for Impersonating Police

With a felony conviction on the line, impersonating police charges require contacting a strategic criminal defense attorney. Perhaps you didn’t represent to anyone that you were police or didn’t perform any official acts. Nonetheless, contact our office for a free initial consultation with Douglas County’s best criminal defense firm.

We have decades of combined experience representing clients throughout Colorado and strategize to obtain the best possible outcome in each case. Our attorneys provide same-day jail visits and affordable fees, as well as flexible payment plans for those facing accusations throughout Douglas County.

If you or someone you know is facing charges of impersonating a peace officer, be smart. Contact the top criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by jklugiewicz