Juvenile Sex Offenses in Douglas County

Juvenile Sex Offenses
Juvenile Sex Offenses in Douglas County

Sex crimes are considered some of the more detestable offenses that occur in our society today. A conviction can lead to long periods of time behind bars and certain monitoring that can be lifelong.

Convicted sex offenders are often shunned by society, isolated, and presumed a predator. However, what happens when a juvenile faces a sex crime accusation? Are the penalties equally steep? A young person facing any of the juvenile sex offenses should consult an experienced sex crimes attorney early on to heighten the chance of a favorable outcome.

Juvenile Sexual Assault on a Child in Douglas County

Common scenarios where juvenile sexual assault occurs include younger teenage / preteen boys viewing easily accessible pornography. After seeing the material, curiosity can lead to them trying to duplicate what they observed with a young girl or boy in their lives.

One of the key factors in juvenile sex assault is sexual contact occurring between juveniles with greater than a four year age gap. False allegations, however, also result from these situations as many children crave attention and aim for revenge.

Prosecutors are quick to charge when sexual assault claims arise. They fear judgement from special interest groups and the public, even when the accused is a juvenile.

Consequences of Juvenile Sexual Offenses for Your Son or Daughter

In Parker, Castle Rock, and Lone Tree, juvenile sex offenses are strictly governed by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). Many restrictions can affect your son or daughter’s life at the onset of an accusation, during the court process, and post-conviction.

Where they live, if they need to move out due to another children present, safety plans for day-to-day life (school, social life, etc), supervision, and treatment can all negatively impact a young person and their family. Additionally, sex offender registration is a possible ramification that can publicly humiliate your teenager and isolate them for years.

Expert Defense Attorney for Juvenile Sex Offenses

Juvenile sex assault on a child is an impactful crime that can be particularly harmful for real victims. However, false accusations and attempts to get even harm juveniles as well, possibly resulting in unreasonable ramifications for your child.

To fight false claims and ill-intentioned accusations, equip yourself and your child with expert criminal defense from Sawyer Legal Group, LLC. We have decades of combined experience representing juveniles accused of crimes throughout the state of Colorado.

We also have the resources to build a strong defense on your child’s behalf. Don’t talk to police or allow your son or daughter to do so either. Instead, exercise your right to remain silent and contact our office for a free consultation.

Don’t talk to law enforcement or your child’s school if they contact you about criminal allegations – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo Credit: Pixabay – lisajules