Obstructing a Peace Officer Attorney | Cop Accuses Man Cleaning

Obstructing a Peace Officer Attorney
Obstructing a Peace Officer Attorney

Obstructing a peace officer is a misdemeanor offense in Douglas County, Colorado that involves interfering with officers performing their duties. Whether someone makes a verbal threat to harm police or attempts to stop an arrest, impactful criminal charges can result. Earlier this year, a police officer’s bodycam footage showed him accusing a resident of obstructing a peace officer after refusing to put down a blunt object. Turns out the man was simply picking up trash outside his home. Accusations or charges of this nature require contacting a skilled obstructing a peace officer attorney.

What Does Obstructing a Peace Officer Mean in Colorado?

There are many different actions that can lead to a charge of Obstructing an Officer C.R.S. 18-8-104. Someone commits this crime in Castle Rock, Parker, Lone Tree, or Highlands Ranch if they:

  • use or threaten to use violence, force, or physical interference,
  • that knowingly obstructs, impairs, or hinders,
    • enforcement of the penal law,
    • preservation of peace,
    • extinguishing of fire by a firefighter,
    • or medical treatment / emergency assistance

Examples of obstructing an officer in Colorado include making a verbal threat to police, preventing firefighters from stopping a fire, physically interfering with an arrest, and going beyond yellow police tape. Additionally, a person can face obstructing an officer charges for altercations with police dogs where the animal is threatened, tackled, punched, or kicked.

Is Obstructing a Police Officer a Felony in Douglas County?

Obstructing a police officer in Castle Rock or Parker is a class 2 misdemeanor offense. Potential ramifications of conviction are:

  • 3 – 12 months in county jail,
  • fines of $250 – $1,000

However, sometimes these altercations in Highlands Ranch escalate quickly and when they do, amplified charges can result. Should a person make any physical contact with a policeman that results in the officer suffering any pain, 2nd degree assault on a police officer can apply. This is a class 4 felony that can land someone in prison for years, alongside thousands of dollars in fines.

Douglas County Obstructing a Peace Officer Attorney

Just because you’re facing charges of obstructing an officer doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Consulting Douglas County’s best criminal defense attorneys early on can have an especially significant impact on the outcome of a case. Perhaps you were acting in self defense, the officer was using excessive force, or there was police misconduct of some kind. Nevertheless, contact the accomplished defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC for a free consultation. We will meticulously analyze your unique situation and suggest next steps in forming a strong defense to your charges.

If you or someone you know has been charged with obstructing an officer, be smart. Contact the skilled defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo Credit: Pexels – Brett Sayles