Official Misconduct Lawyer in Castle Rock | Public Servants Abusing Power

Official Misconduct
Official Misconduct

Official misconduct charges can come against public servants accused of abusing power, either for their own benefit or to harm another. These cases can draw quite a bit of public interest and may lead to jail time, fines, and a criminal record. Even not performing some type of responsibility required by law can lead to allegations against all kinds of public servants. If you or someone you know is facing an accusation in Douglas, Arapahoe, or El Paso County, contact a skilled defense attorney as soon as possible.

Douglas County Official Misconduct Law

Douglas County’s official misconduct law prohibits a public servant from misusing their position in specific ways. CRS 18-8-404 defines official misconduct throughout the state of Colorado. Law enforcement will look to charge if they believe you:

  • intending to obtain a benefit or to maliciously cause harm to someone,
    • knowingly committed an act relating to your office but constituting unauthorized exercise of your official function,
    • refrained from performing a duty imposed on you by law,
    • or violated any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation relating to your office

State, county, city, and federal employees can all be impacted by this law. Mayors, judges, sheriffs, law enforcement, prosecutors, and anyone holding public office can face an accusation of official misconduct that could potentially ruin their career and destroy their reputation.

How Bad is Official Misconduct in Douglas County?

Depending on the details of the allegations, official misconduct can be charged in either the first-degree or second-degree. Penalties for a conviction can lead to:

  • up to 12 months in county jail,
  • a maximum fine of $1,000

It isn’t uncommon for public officials to lose their position in these cases or be placed on leave while the case unfolds. Civil action can also come about depending on the nature of the situation.

Douglas County’s Leading Defense Attorney

Those in the public eye face immediate criticism for alleged wrongdoing. Cancel culture is quick to assume the worst in most situations. It is vital in any official misconduct case to seek experienced representation focused on the defendant’s future. Sawyer Legal Group is here to help. When accusations arise, exercise your right to remain silent and contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully analyze your unique case, answer your questions, and recommend next steps in your defense. We offer affordable fees and flexible payment plans that make securing a strategic criminal lawyer a reality for the accused.

Don’t talk to police about official misconduct – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio