Possession and Use of Illegal Fireworks in Douglas County

Illegal Fireworks
Illegal Fireworks

With July 4th rapidly approaching, the possession or use of illegal fireworks comes into question. The restrictions surrounding having or using fireworks can vary each year depending on several different factors, including the municipality in which you live, current fire bans, and even weather conditions. In general, items such as cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and roman candles are illegal throughout Colorado. Possession or use can result in significant fines, as well as jail time. It is essential that those considering a private fireworks display check with local law enforcement or fire department prior to purchase and use. Any allegation of possessing or using illegal fireworks requires consulting a particularly skilled defense attorney.

Fireworks in Castle Rock, Parker, and Highlands Ranch

Purchasing fireworks in another state and bringing them to Douglas County can lead to legal trouble. Sometimes, Coloradans venture up I-25 to Wyoming to purchase personal fireworks. However, the restrictions / laws are different there, potentially resulting in fines or charges for possession or use here in Colorado. It is important to note that personal fireworks that leave the ground or explode are illegal in Colorado, regardless of weather conditions and fire ban status. Additionally, firework use in a national park, state park, local park, forest, golf course, and many other public locations is unlawful.

Penalties for Illegal Fireworks in Colorado

Each case of illegal fireworks is different. Therefore, the ramifications are as well. Possession of illegal fireworks is a petty offense, potentially leading to:

  • fines of $50 – $300,
  • up to 10 days in county jail

However, local laws in your city or town can lead to worse penalties. Some Colorado cities impose a fine of up to $1K and a potential jail sentence of one year. This emphasizes the need to check with local police or fire department as the laws / restrictions in many towns and counties aren’t necessarily the same.

Firework Attorney in Douglas County

Don’t let acts of celebrating your country end in criminal charges. Know the laws and restrictions in your area to avoid having police show up in your driveway. If you end up making a mistake or someone nearby falsely accuses you of having or using illegal fireworks, the next step is to contact an attorney. We offer a free consultation to analyze your Colorado fireworks charges. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make skilled representation a reality for those facing allegations throughout Colorado.

Don’t talk to police about allegations of possessing or using illegal fireworks – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo by Alex Holyoake