Reckless Driving in Highlands Ranch | Traffic Crimes in 2021

Reckless Driving
Reckless Driving

Reckless driving in Highlands Ranch, Colorado can be charged if law enforcement believes you drove with disregard for another’s safety. This traffic crime can apply to operating a car, truck, SUV, or van, as well as a scooter or bike. While this particular offense does require the person behind the wheel to be aware of the risks, sometimes Douglas County drivers are overcharged or falsely accused of driving recklessly. If you or someone you know is facing allegations of ignoring certain dangers while driving, the best course of action is to contact an experienced traffic attorney right away.

What Behaviors Lead to Reckless Driving in 2021?

Colorado’s traffic laws prohibit driving with disregard for the safety of other people or property. CRS 42-4-1401 provides the precise definitions of reckless driving throughout Douglas, Arapahoe, and El Paso County. Police pursue a reckless driving charge if they believe you:

  • drove a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter,
  • in a manner indicating a wanton or willful disregard,
  • for the safety of other people or property

Driving with a wanton or willful disregard for people’s safety means a deliberate choice to drive dangerously. Courts stress that a “normal person” would know this type of driving could hurt someone. Reckless driving is slightly more serious in Colorado than careless driving because of this alleged purposeful choice to ignore risks.

How Serious is Reckless Driving in Douglas County?

Every reckless driving case in Colorado is different. Penalties won’t always look the same. Prior reckless driving convictions play a large role. If this is a defendant’s first charge, a class 2 traffic misdemeanor applies. A conviction can lead to:

  • a county jail sentence of 10 – 90 days,
  • a maximum fine of $300,
  • 8 DMV points,
  • restitution,
  • and community service

The county jail sentence can increase to 6 months with a prior reckless driving conviction, as well as increased fine amounts. If the defendant’s reckless driving caused another’s serious injury, a vehicular assault charge will apply.

Should I Hire an Attorney for Reckless Driving Charges?

Absolutely. There are defenses to this traffic crime that may apply to your specific case. Perhaps you weren’t the one driving the vehicle or your driving was careless, not reckless. We have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients facing traffic charges in and around Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Colorado Springs, and Littleton. Contact our office for a free, confidential consultation where a skilled defense attorney will carefully evaluate your case and suggest next steps. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make securing strategic representation a reality for those accused of reckless driving in Colorado.

Talk to us about reckless driving in Highlands Ranch – not the police. 303-265-1950

Photo by Kelly Lacy