Resisting Arrest Lawyer in Douglas County

Resisting Arrest Lawyer
Resisting Arrest Lawyer in Douglas County

Resisting arrest is a crime in Douglas County that involves interfering with an officer trying to apprehend someone. If a person uses a threat of force or violence or some other gesture that creates substantial risk of bodily injury to the police officer, criminal charges can follow. A college student was recently taken into custody for allegedly biking on the wrong side of the road and refusing to provide identification. Accusations of violating arrest laws requires particularly swift action and the expertise of a skilled resisting arrest lawyer.

Resisting Arrest in Colorado

While resisting arrest may seem straight forward, there are intricacies that are important to note. C.R.S. 18-8-103 describes the conduct of resisting arrest in Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, and Parker. Someone commits this police involved offense if they:

  • knowingly prevent or attempt to prevent,
  • a peace office acting under color of his or her official authority,
  • from performing an arrest,
    • by using or threatening the use of physical force or violence against the peace officer or another,
    • or by taking other actions that create significant risk of bodily injury to the police officer or another

As with all police involved crimes, the situation is heightened because the alleged victim is law enforcement.

How Much Jail Time Can You Get for Resisting Arrest in Colorado?

A conviction of resisting arrest in Douglas County is a class 2 misdemeanor. Penalties can include:

  • 3 – 12 months in county jail,
  • fines of $250 – $1,000

Keep in mind, however, this is in addition to the sentencing for the underlying crime.

Douglas County Criminal Defense Lawyers

Many different things can happen when police attempt to make an arrest. Law enforcement also doesn’t always accurately report what occurs. Any accusation of interfering with police is especially serious and should involve a resisting arrest lawyer right away. Perhaps you’re facing a false accusation or there was police misconduct. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free initial consultation. Douglas County’s top criminal defense lawyers will carefully look over your case, as well as suggest next steps in forming your defense. We have decades of combined experience successfully defending clients facing police involved crime charges.

If you or someone you know is facing resisting arrest charges, be smart. Contact the best criminal defense lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo Credit: Unsplash – David Marcu