Second Degree Assault in Douglas County | Intentionally Hurting Someone

Second Degree Assault
Second Degree Assault

Second degree assault in Douglas County, Colorado is a crime that involves conduct that causes injury to another. Sometimes this offense includes use of a deadly weapon.

Injuries resulting from a 2nd degree assault in Castle Rock, Parker, or Highlands Ranch don’t lead to lasting or serious damage. If they do, first degree assault often applies.

Striking a person with a weapon or pushing someone down the stairs are common examples of this degree of assault in Colorado. Allegations of assault in the second degree require strategic representation from a skilled defense attorney.

Douglas County Second Degree Assault Law

Douglas County’s assault laws prohibit certain violent behaviors. C.R.S. 18-3-203 addresses these specific violations in Lone Tree, Castle Pines, and Sedalia. Examples of Colorado 2nd degree assault include:

  • injury caused to another person,
  • physical force against police or firefighters,
  • bodily injury,
  • bodily injury to a peace officer or firefighter,
  • drugs given to someone causing unconsciousness or mental impairment,
  • bodily fluid directed at detention center staff,
  • strangulation resulting in bodily injury

As you can see, the crime of assault covers a significant amount of conduct. Often, this offense comes down to the level of injury, use of a deadly weapon, and who the alleged victim was. Prosecutors sometimes offer plea deals in these cases to obtain a quick conviction. We advise against this. Instead, consult an experienced assault attorney from our office.

Is Second Degree Assault Always a Felony in Colorado?

Each assault case is different. Therefore, the ramifications are as well. Assault in the second degree is a class 4 felony throughout the state of Colorado. Conviction can result in:

  • 2 – 6 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
  • a minimum fine of $2,000

Assaulting a peace officer or firefighter can also result in harsher consequences. Additionally, when an assault occurs between current or former romantic partners, domestic violence enhancements can further complicate the situation.

Assault Attorney in Castle Rock

Any accusation of assault requires particularly swift action by the defendant. It is wise to exercise your right to remain silent and not provide law enforcement with statements of any kind.

Perhaps you were acting in self-defense or there was a lack of intent to commit assault. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free consultation with a highly rated criminal lawyer. We will carefully analyze your unique case, as well as recommend next steps in your defense.

Don’t talk to police about assault allegations – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo by Marcelo Marques on Unsplash