Sex Assault Charges in Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, and Parker | CRS 18-3-402

Sex Assault Charges
Sex Assault Charges

Sex assault charges in Douglas County, Colorado often involve accusations of nonconsensual acts. In situations where force is used or one person is intoxicated or physically helpless, any intrusion or penetration is unlawful. These allegations are especially damaging and come with harsh, long-lasting penalties. There is a widespread presumption of guilt that follows rape or sexual assault claims that can doom your career and reputation, in addition to the impactful criminal ramifications. Anyone facing sex assault charges in Colorado should immediately exercise their right to remain silent and call an experienced sex crimes attorney.

Douglas County Sexual Assault Law

Douglas County’s sexual assault law prohibits penetrative acts done using force or that lack consent. CRS 18-3-402 defines the crime of sexual assault in Highlands Ranch, Parker, and Castle Rock. Sexual assault charges can result if someone claims that you:

  • performed an act of sexual intrusion or penetration,
    • against their will,
    • without their consent,
    • when they were drunk or high,
    • or they were physically helpless

This includes behaviors such as vaginal, oral, or anal sex and fingering or penetration with a foreign object. If the incident(s) didn’t reach this level but involved unwanted groping or fondling, unlawful sexual contact is the crime that applies.

What are the Consequences of Sex Assault in Colorado?

While each sexual assault case is different, the penalties for a conviction are severe. This is an extraordinary risk crime and can involve an indeterminate sentencing range in some situations. When no force was used and the victim wasn’t injured, a class 4 felony applies possibly resulting in:

Penalties can increase from there for using threats, force, or drugging the person. Convictions can also lead to mandatory sex offender treatment and sex offender intensive supervised probation. These consequences place isolating restrictions on just about everything you do.

Experienced Sex Crimes Defense

Just because you’ve been accused of sexual assault doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Hiring the right defense attorney is especially crucial, as fighting sexual assault charges is a complex process. We have decades of combined experience successfully navigating sex offenses in Douglas, Arapahoe, and El Paso County and always pursue the best possible outcome for each client. Perhaps penetration didn’t happen, there was consent, or the victim is regretting things after the fact. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans. Strategic representation is a reality for those facing charges.

So, don’t talk to the police about sex assault charges – talk to us. Sawyer Legal Group, LLC 303-265-1950

Photo by Adrian Swancar