Domestic Violence Charges in Douglas County

Domestic Violence Charges

Picking up a charge in Douglas County involving domestic violence is a difficult situation. As a sentence enhancer, DV can apply to any offense against a current or former romantic partner. Common charges involving the domestic violence add-on include assault, stalking, or harassment. Prolonged periods of time spent around your spouse, partner, or ex can […]

Parker Domestic Violence Lawyer | Sawyer Legal Group

Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence in Parker, Colorado is a sentence enhancer that accompanies crimes against current or former romantic partners or those who are parents of the same child. Often charged alongside assault or harassment, offenses involving DV include heightened punishments. With Colorado’s mandatory arrest laws and quick implementation of a protection order, consequences are immediate. Whether […]

Castle Rock Domestic Violence Attorney | DV Often Attaches to Harassment Charges

Castle Rock Domestic Violence, C.R.S. 18-6-800.3, is frequently charged with Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111. When girlfriends and boyfriends, ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends, spouses or ex-spouses direct obscene language at one another, call one another repeatedly, grab each other, push each other or insult one another to provoke a violent response, Domestic Violence – Harassment charges are often […]