Domestic Violence Charges in Douglas County

Domestic Violence Charges
Domestic Violence Charges

Picking up a charge in Douglas County involving domestic violence is a difficult situation. As a sentence enhancer, DV can apply to any offense against a current or former romantic partner. Common charges involving the domestic violence add-on include assault, stalking, or harassment. Prolonged periods of time spent around your spouse, partner, or ex can sometimes lead to arguments or disagreements that don’t always end well. Contact an experienced defense attorney if you’re facing domestic violence charges in Colorado.

Douglas County’s Domestic Violence Laws

CRS 18-6-800.3 addresses the domestic violence laws in the state of Colorado. They can apply to any crime against a current or previous intimate partner, and even property or pets. Someone commits domestic violence in Castle Rock, Parker, or Highlands Ranch if they:

  • perform an act or threatened act of violence,
  • upon someone they’re in an intimate relationship with (or were at some point),
  • or when the action is meant as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge

As one can see, this creates for many circumstances where police can tack on a DV enhancement. In situations where any property is destroyed or damaged, a charge of criminal mischief often follows alongside domestic violence. In Colorado, an arrest is mandatory at the onset of a domestic violence allegation and a protection order is put in place. It doesn’t matter if your partner denies the incident or doesn’t want to press charges. This can wreak havoc on your living situation, child supervision, finances, etc.

What are the Consequences of Domestic Violence in Douglas County?

Punishment for domestic violence in Douglas County depends on the underlying crime. Beyond a mandatory arrest, protection order, and treatment program, the offense (stalking, assault, harassment) penalties apply. Whatever jail time and fines associated with these crimes can apply for conviction. For example, a DV harassment conviction can result in:

  • up to 12 months in county jail,
  • fines of up to $1,000

A defendant in a domestic violence case also can’t possess firearms while the restraining order is in place. If the underlying crime is a felony or violent misdemeanor, you may also lose your gun rights permanently.

Douglas County’s DV Attorneys

Anyone facing an accusation of domestic violence has the right to fight the charges. You need a skilled criminal lawyer who can fight the underlying crime, and the claim of an intimate relationship if need be. Perhaps you were acting in self-defense, there was an accident, or false accusations exist due to revenge or anger. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free initial consultation. We will carefully analyze your unique DV case, as well as suggest next steps in your defense.

Don’t talk to police about domestic violence charges – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo by Christian Fregnan