First Degree Assault in Castle Rock | CRS 18-3-202

First Degree Assault
First Degree Assault

First degree assault in Douglas County, Colorado involves seriously hurting another person. Often including use of a deadly weapon, the penalties are particularly severe and long-lasting. Broken or fractured bones, 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and injuries that result in permanent disfigurement are typically those that qualify as first-degree assault. Additionally, threatening a police officer with a deadly weapon can sometimes lead to first degree assault charges. If you’ve been accused of a crime of violence resulting in serious injury, consult a skilled assault lawyer as soon as you can.

Douglas County First Degree Assault Law

Douglas County’s first-degree assault law prohibits certain crimes of violence and acts of force in Castle Rock, Parker, and Highlands Ranch. CRS 18-3-202 defines the specific elements of assault in the first degree. You commit this crime in Douglas County if you:

  • intend to cause and do cause serious bodily injury to another,
  • intentionally disfigure someone permanently,
  • amputate, destroy, or permanently disable another’s body part or organ,
  • seriously injure a person knowing your actions create a grave risk of death and demonstrate extreme indifference to the value of human life,
  • threaten serious bodily injury on a police officer while using a deadly weapon,
  • strangle or suffocate a person to cause serious bodily injury

It is important to note that the severity of the injury doesn’t always have to be immediate. A wound that later requires amputation or brain damage found after strangling someone can increase a charge to 1st degree assault.

What’s the Sentence for 1st Degree Assault in Colorado?

Assault in the first degree is usually a class 3 felony throughout Colorado. A broad sentencing range exists for this crime that includes:

  • 10 – 32 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections,
  • fines of $3,000 – $750,000

Sometimes, assault that happens in the heat of passion can reduce the sentence. As a class 5 felony, defendants face up to 3 years in prison and a maximum fine of $100,000. However, felony convictions also impact employment opportunities, the ability to obtain loans, and secure adequate housing.

Douglas County Assault Lawyer

A first degree assault charge has the potential to leave you feeling especially overwhelmed and helpless. With substantial penalties looming, a conviction of this magnitude could negatively alter your life for decades, if not longer. Our experienced assault lawyers are prepared to fight the charges you’re facing, as well as relentlessly pursue the best possible outcome. Perhaps you were acting in self-defense, you didn’t intend to cause serious injury, or the injuries are being exaggerated. That said, contact our office for a free consultation. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing assault allegations throughout Colorado.

So, if you or someone you know is facing an assault charge in Colorado, be smart. Contact the driven criminal defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-265-1950. Don’t talk to the police – talk to us.

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