When is Assault Charged in the 1st Degree in Colorado?

When is Assault Charged in the 1st Degree?

When assault is charged in the 1st degree in Colorado there is typically an allegation that a person purposefully and seriously injured another. Whether done with physical force or a deadly weapon, the consequences of a first-degree assault conviction are severe. However, it isn’t uncommon for a prosecutor to overcharge as a means of manipulating a defendant into a plea bargain. There are defenses to assault charged in the first-degree and contacting an experienced assault lawyer early on has many benefits. Below we discuss 1st degree assault in further detail and outline ways our criminal defense team can help defendants in Douglas, Elbert, and El Paso County.

Douglas County First-Degree Assault Law

Douglas County’s first-degree assault law prohibits intentionally and seriously hurting another person. CRS 18-3-202 provides the specific elements of 1st degree assault throughout Colorado’s 64 counties. Law enforcement will pursue a first-degree assault charge if they believe you:

  • intended to cause and did cause someone’s serious bodily injury,
  • purposefully disfigured someone seriously and permanently,
  • destroyed, amputated, or permanently disabled another’s body part or organ,
  • seriously injured another while doing something especially risky,
  • strangled or suffocated someone to cause serious bodily harm,
  • or used a deadly weapon to threaten serious bodily injury on a police officer

Fractured or broken bones, 2nd / 3rd degree burns, and brain damage are some examples of serious injuries in Colorado. In some cases, the injuries themselves don’t reach the level of serious until later. A stab or gunshot wound can escalate to further complications after the alleged incident.

How Serious is Assault Charged in the 1st Degree in Douglas County?

Each assault case in Douglas, El Paso, and Elbert county is unique. Penalties won’t necessarily look the same in each situation. A first-degree assault conviction can result in:

  • a prison sentence of 10 – 32 years,
  • a minimum fine of $3K,
  • 5 years of parole

Having a felony assault on your record has additional ramifications beyond incarceration, fines, and supervision. Many defendants have to overcome difficulties finding employment, renting housing, and general distrust from much of society.

Douglas County’s Top Assault Lawyers

When facing charges as serious as felony assault, contacting Douglas County’s top assault lawyers is a critical step in someone’s defense. Perhaps you were acting in self-defense, defending someone else, there was a lack of intent, or events occurred in the heat of passion. Nonetheless, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully examine your case, the accusations against you, and possible strategies. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing assault allegations in Castle Rock, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, and Colorado Springs.

Don’t talk to the police about assault charges – talk to us. 303-265-1950

Photo by RODNAE Productions