Misdemeanor Menacing in Highlands Ranch | Criminal Threats

Misdemeanor Menacing
Misdemeanor Menacing

Misdemeanor menacing in Highlands Ranch, Colorado is a crime that involves threats or physical actions that strike fear of injury in others. Allegations of making criminal threats are serious and losing your temper in these situations can be costly. A key element in this crime is the defendant’s intent to scare someone with their words or actions. A domestic violence enhancement also sometimes comes alongside menacing charges if threats occur between current or former romantic partners. Consult an experienced defense lawyer if you’re being accused of menacing in Douglas County.

Douglas County Misdemeanor Menacing Law

Douglas County’s misdemeanor menacing law prohibits certain acts of causing fear in others. CRS 18-3-206 (1) defines the specific violations in Colorado. You commit misdemeanor menacing in Parker, Castle Rock, or Highlands Ranch if you:

  • knowingly place or attempt to place someone in fear of serious bodily injury,
  • by any threat or physical action

Another person’s fear can be hard to gauge during an argument or confrontation. Additionally, we all say things we don’t mean when tempers flare or anger gets the best of us. Menacing requires a certain awareness that your statements or actions are likely to cause fear in another.

Misdemeanor Menacing Penalties in Colorado

Each menacing case is different. Penalties for conviction are as well. This offense is a class 1 misdemeanor throughout the state of Colorado. A conviction can result in:

  • up to 12 months in county jail,
  • a maximum fine of $1,000

Menacing amplifies to a felony with the use or display of a deadly weapon. Defendants in these cases face up to 3 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections and fines of $1,000 – $100,000.

Douglas County Attorney for Menacing Charges

Just because someone has been charged with menacing doesn’t mean they’re guilty. There are defenses to this allegation and hiring an experienced menacing lawyer to represent you is wise. Perhaps you didn’t make any threats, you didn’t realize your words would scare someone, or you were acting in self-defense. Nevertheless, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. A highly-rated defense attorney will carefully look over your case, as well as suggest next steps in your defense. Your record and reputation are worth protecting.

Photo by Engin Akyurt